Sales Tax Support

Sales Tax Support Now in Beta at Acodei

We are excited to announce that sales tax support is beta testing for all Acodei users. To take advantage of this feature and streamline your sales tax accounting, follow these steps:

  1. Subscription Requirement: Ensure you're subscribed to a paid plan, as this feature is a premium offering.
  2. Activation: Navigate to the "Premium Features" section on the account mapping page and enable the "Sales Tax" option.
  3. Tax Tracking Setup: All taxes that you wish to track must be present in Stripe. This can be done by using Stripe Tax for automatic tax rates or setting up manual tax rates within Stripe. Once tax tracking is enabled, associate it with a product linked to the liability account where you want to record your sales tax payable in QuickBooks.
  4. Non-US companies: Currently, companies based outside of the United States need to contact us to set up GST/VAT settings. By default, we will set your tax rate to Exempt or Out of Scope. See below for notes on how QuickBooks currently handles VAT.

Automatic Tax Tracking with Stripe

For those with Stripe Tax enabled:

  • Acodei will automatically capture the calculated tax.
  • The tax amount will be reported to QuickBooks under the liability account you've designated.
  • Line item tax rate mapping is not currently available.

Manual Stripe Tax Rate Setup

If you prefer to manage tax rates manually:

  • Go to your Stripe Product Catalog.
  • Create a new tax rate. Details on how to do this can be found within Stripe's documentation.
  • Apply this rate to your transactions (invoices, payment links, checkout sessions, subscriptions, etc.).
  • Acodei will record the tax collected in the specified liability account.

Issues with QuickBooks for GST/VAT Collection

Currently, we've observed challenges for VAT-collecting users due to QuickBooks not processing inclusive tax rates as expected via their API. This has been a notable issue for non-US companies wishing to report transactions with inclusive tax—for example, intending to record a $200 transaction as $166.67 in sales and $33.33 in VAT. Instead, transactions are logged as exclusive of tax, complicating the accounting process.

Please refer to these support threads for in-depth discussions of the issue:

We have contacted the QuickBooks API team to address this issue and hope to find a resolution soon. Meanwhile, we strongly suggest leveraging the Stripe Tax functionality to track and manage your tax liabilities through Acodei accurately.

We appreciate your patience as we work through these beta-phase challenges and strive to offer you the best possible service.

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